Today, there are 4 billion daily email users and, many companies already use emailing as a direct marketing strategy for B2C and B2B businesses.
Emailing is a direct marketing approach applied to the web. It consists of sending emails to a previously established database and is a tool used for many purposes. Likewise, it can be used to acquire new customers, retain existing customers, and promote a product or an event, among others.
By sending massive amounts of emails, you run the risk that the emails will end up in your recipient’s spam box or will simply be ignored. In short, it is necessary to adopt good practices with this type of automated tool and define a strategy that goes from the creation of the email body to the planning of the messages.
This strategy has many advantages. But the main one is its speed of execution and low cost. In addition, it allows sending a message or promoting a product or service to people potentially interested in them. In fact, with good segmentation and a personalized message, emailing can easily target your potential customers and analyze their behaviours, thanks to the returns of your campaign.
Therefore, this article explains to you how to proceed to take better advantage of email marketing.
Different types of emailing
Welcome Email
Ideal for new customers or subscribers.
Happy Birthday Email
To establish a close relationship with customers and subscribers.
Transactional Email
It is part of the relationship with the client. For this type of email, it is necessary to pay attention to response times and provide only the requested information.
Seasonal Email
To increase the interest of your subscribers, it is important to create a strategy related to current events.
It is used to regularly inform your subscribers, so it must interest your audience. In other words, let your creativity speak for itself!
Email Marketing
The big goal of email marketing is to stimulate purchases.
Email Feedback
It is used to gather feedback from your customers about your products or services.
Get the most out of emailing with the right email
Use our tips to write emails in a way that captivates and convinces your recipient. Use Neil Patel’s AIDA model – Attention – Interest – Desire – Action.
The AIDA model of marketing basically serves to give that little nudge to undecided customers and encourage them to move forward through your sales funnel.
Email Subject: The subject needs to be short, catchy and generate interest from the customer (for example generate urgency or show approval numbers). You can also personalize this part with the customer’s name.
Email body: Always start with words like “Dear”, “Dear” and “Dear” followed by the person’s name at the beginning of the email to address the recipient. Be concise in the text of the email so that it is read fully and only mentions what is relevant.
Use a simple font for the text and put bold and underline only in case of need or to show the importance of a part of the text.
Watch your grammar. It is important that the reader takes you seriously. The language for the content of the email can be fun, and more serious. It all depends on the intended audience.
Call-to-action: it is important to use CTA in an email to encourage the (potential) customer’s action. Create a good CTA using verbs in the imperative and short phrases, with few words, such as: “buy here”, and “read the full text”, among others.
The timing of your email is just as important as its content.
Sending the email on the right day and time has a greater impact on several metrics, such as the open and click-through rate of your campaigns.
It is important to send your email at the right time to:
- Increase your brand awareness
- Generate leads
- Increase your conversion rate
- Increase engagement
If you send it at the wrong time, you risk:
- Going unnoticed
- Ending up in your recipients’ spam mailbox
- Increase your unsubscribe rate
In 2023, what’s the best time to send emails?
According to email-sending automation tools, the best days and times to send emails are:
Why are these schedules relevant?
Many people start their workday by checking their e-mails. Also, they do it during their lunch breaks as well. However, depending on your audience, the sending day and time may be different, so the best way to tell if the recommended time intervals and days work for your audience is to test, test, and test!
If you use automated email-sending platforms, keep an eye on these metrics:
- Open rate
- Click-through rate
- Conversion rate
- Click-through rate
- Rejection rate
- Unsubscribe rate
Make sure your emails are compatible with mobile devices
Another important element of successful emailing is to make sure it is responsive, i.e. available for both desktop and mobile device users.
We can’t ignore the importance of optimizing email for mobile devices, as more than 41.9% of them are opened in that medium, according to BackLinko’s list of email marketing statistics in 2021.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in emailing
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) is a European law regulation on privacy and protection of personal data, applicable to all individuals in the European Union and European Economic Area, which aims to: unify European data protection regulations, give citizens control over the use of their data, and hold companies accountable for data processing.
It is important that all your emails comply with the RGPD and leave a choice to the recipient whether or not to receive them. So the option to unsubscribe from your database is essential.
There are also penalties for companies that do not comply with the RGPD.
If you don’t use online email-sending automation tools, here are some tools you can use:
- HubSpot
- MailChimp
- GetResponse
- Moosend
- SendInBlue
- Benchmark
- e-Goi.
But if you’re looking to send emails customized to your company’s brand, talk to us.