SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an essential strategy for improving a website’s visibility on search engines. Especially when we know that nowadays, all customers research a brand, service or product before making a purchase, for example. Discover the key strategies for good organic positioning.

White Hat SEO refers to optimization methods that are considered “honest” and in line with search engine guidelines. Its main goal is to deliver quality online content to the public.

Next, we present the White Hat strategies that can help your SEO.

Writing high-quality content

Quality content is one of the key factors in effective digital marketing.

When a website offers authentic, and quality content, it has a much better chance of appearing on the first few pages of the SERP, i.e. the list of results from Internet searches. It’s also called the Search Engine Results Page or just the search engine results page.

It is therefore important not to copy content found on the internet (Black Hat SEO method).

Keyword optimization

Keywords are also important for your SEO. That’s why you need to select them carefully. With the right keywords, your content is more likely to appear on the SERP when a user searches for your topic.

Various tools can help you find the most beneficial terms for your SEO:

  • Google Trends
  • Ubersuggest
  • SEMrush
  • Keyword Tool
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Ahrefs
  • Moz
  • Answer The Public
  • Spy Fu
  • WebPeak

However, use keywords sparingly!

Get quality backlinks

Creating backlinks is essential for a good online presence. However, you need quality links to your website.

Improve the loading speed of your website

The loading speed of your website is very important for the user experience. When a page takes too long to open, users tend to move on.

In this sense, by improving the speed of your website, users will stay on the site and perhaps ask for more information or even return.

The longer a user stays on your website, the more the algorithm will consider your link to be relevant and of quality, so it will show it in the first results on the SERP.

Optimize your titles and meta descriptions

Titles and meta descriptions encourage users to enter your website when they are appealing. This will increase your CTR (click-through rate) and tell the algorithm that your content is interesting.

We, therefore, advise you to fill in your Title and Meta Description tags with specific themes for each subject developed according to the landing page. For greater effectiveness, you can include your main keyword with 2 or 3 long-tail expressions.

Don’t know what long-tail expressions are? We can help you.

Developing your internal links

It’s not enough to create links to connect the different sections of your website online. If you want to get a good SEO ranking, without circumventing the guidelines, you need to develop your internal linking by optimizing your anchors.

This process helps the algorithm to better understand the organization of the different sections of your website.

Making your website responsive

Since 2015, websites that are not responsive have been penalized by search engines. Nowadays, most people use their cell phones to search online. For your website to have a good search engine ranking, it needs to offer a good experience on mobile devices.

When thinking about creating your website, don’t forget to adopt a responsive architecture.

Why use White Hat as a strategy?

White Hat SEO offers some long-term advantages because it allows you to:

  • A better SERP ranking;
  • Obtain a good online reputation;
  • Avoid penalties from search engines.

As a follow-up to this article, we also share the strategies that can harm your organic positioning in our article on Black Hat SEO.

Need help improving your website’s SEO? MD3 STUDIO has a Marketing & Communications team that will help you.

You can find all articles related to marketing content here.